Tugas Softskill Meet 3
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb Sofskill To tells the plan that has been achieved and not so far this year The plan that I have done in 2019 1. Internship at the State Civil Service Agency for 1 month that has been planned as a condition of the trial and helps as a source of writing the final assignment of the lecture. 2. Vacation with family at the end of November 2019 to Puncak, stay at the villa and gather with family 3. Learn to drive a manual car at the steering wheel course during 10 meetings 4. Depart to Alesano hill with cousins and stay overnight with camping gear 5. Manage and manage personal finances properly 6. Have a business selling socks at wholesale prices on social media Plans that have not been carried out in 2019 1. Hold a reunion and gather with high school friends 2. Planning a vacation to the Thousand Islands with close friends 3. Work while studying as extra income 4. Make a uniform jersey for the futsal team Plans for 2020 1. ...