Tugas Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris 5

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

A. MEA is a form of program that has the goal of creating ASEAN as a single market and production-based unity, which occurs free flow of goods, services, factors of production, investment and capital and eliminating tariffs for trade between ASEAN countries.

B. Characteristics of the ASEAN Economic Community:

  • Single market and production base.
  • An economically competitive region.
  • Regions whose economies are developing.
  • A region that is fully integrated into the global economy
  • ASEAN Economic Community
My opinion perspective about MEA with be founded program economic in the field very helpful developing country like a lot of job creation and community welfare in the ASEAN countries.Competition in the production of goods and services is increasing,investor opportunities to develop economic growth and competition for quality human resources.

on the other hand MEA also has a loss or negative impact that a country is able to exploit other countries easily. The loss of a professional workforce working to another country to get a better salary much of imported products and weak export products.

I hope that Indonesia is able to prepare from various aspects, especially the economy in order to create active human resources that can compete and the government supports quality local products

That is all and thank you

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb


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