
Menampilkan postingan dari 2020

All About Gunadarma University

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh. All  about  Gunadarma University       Gunadarma University is an A accredited private university campus in Indonesia which has many branches in various regions, such as campus D in Depok E, F, G, H in Kelapa Dua Depok West Java, campus J in Kalimalang, K campus in Karawaci and campus A in Matraman. Gunadarma has many faculties from diploma III to doctoral degrees, the well-known faculties of Gunadarma namely computer science and information technology. The administrative center and activity campus is located on campus D, Depok.       My experience studying in the Department of Computer Accounting diploma III diploma program is the weakness in the old college exam schedule (UTS) which is about 1 month, the location of the lecture moved around the building, suggestions for the Kalimalang J1 campus that is for motorcycle parking facilities to be given a roof so that the motor is not get rained on. Th...